Status for værstasjonen Paulen

Denne siden viser gjeldende status for værprogramvaren som brukes i driften av denne nettsiden.

Stasjonssystem oppe i 18 Days 17 Hours 41 Minutes 3 Seconds
Stasjonssystem ledig minne 1.69GB
Denne nettsiden bruker Weather-Display (10.37S-(b152)) for værforholdsrapportering.
Den ble sist startet 16.34.59 05.12.2024.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
10/12/2024 18:30
Weather-Display realtime 0:00:05 10/12/2024 18:30
Weather-Display FTP 0:00:22 10/12/2024 18:30
Weather-Display weather data 0:00:52 10/12/2024 18:30
Weather-Display NOAA report 18:19:41 10/12/2024 00:11
Weather-Display Month report 18:19:42 10/12/2024 00:11
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
check-fetch-times.php V1.53 - 2023-05-13 Need update to V1.57 - 2024-08-28
get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.21 - 2023-01-03 Need update to V1.22 - 2024-03-08
get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.05 - 2022-12-27 Need update to V4.00 - 2024-09-16
include-metar-display.php V1.07 - 2022-12-27 Need update to V1.08 - 2024-03-08
Use this link for details.